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Specializing in Led Fursuits, Size Inclusive Apparel, and Illustration

[Exhibitor Portfolio]

Hey there! I'm Kaesa, the creative mind behind Aethewears, where I craft fun light-up costumes and size inclusive apparel for all fandoms and festival attendees. I'm very passionate about adding leds to all fursuit parts and accessories! My best sellers are my led leopard tails and puppy tails! My passion is adding electronics to everything I touch! Everything must glow. My partner Toxius and I work together on many projects. They are my branding manager and collaborative artist for all of my apparel! Our recent push into apparel is motivated by the lack of size inclusive options in styles we adore and desperately want in our wardrobe! We're excited to share this adventure with you all, and to provide size inclusive apparel options for all in any fandoms!

You can follow my adventures through many platforms @Aetherwears.​​​​​​​​​

Thank you for taking the time to review my portfolio and for considering me for your event.


Below are examples of the merchandise I sell. Our apparel is handmade and assembled in house.

Consistent Merch

I always have these items with me

Size Inclusive apparel: Crop tops, Sweatshirts, and hoodies.
Led Fursuit Tails: Pixel led Leopard Tails, Canine Tails, Dragon Tails, and more. I try to have at least a handful of different varieties!
At least One or Two LED focused fursuit heads or partials. Where leds are the focus.
Bandanas: Led, Fringe, and Non Fringe Varieties

Moisture Wicking Charcoal bags

Art Prints
Buttons/ Badges

Variable Merch

I always have these items with me

Size Inclusive apparel: Strappy Rave bottoms, One of a Kind Limited edition clothing pieces.
Illustrations: Badge Commissions vary on availability.

Charms/ Keychains
LED Ears
Non Led Fursuit Tails
Mystery Bags (Discontinued fursuit stock, stickers, bandanas, Ears


Size Inclusive, Handmade, and Made in House Crop tops. A collaboration between Aetherwears and Toxius (Video Clip is 30 seconds)


Below are photos of my table at my previous events

Below are video examples of booth designs.

Fursuit Work

Below are examples of the led fursuit work 

Below are video examples of my Pixel Led Suit Work


Below are examples of work by Toxius, our branding manager and artist partner. For further portfolio work, please visit their Caard.